Doing this every morning will change your life.

Just 5 minutes of meditation every day can change your brain

It works.

Do you ever wake up completely overwhelmed and anxious? You just slept the whole night, what’s going on?

Anxiety can be a beast to handle. But you can beat it. What ends up happening is right when you wake up, you sometimes get flooded with all the things that you have to do for the day, or week, or year. It’s honestly really overwhelming. So what’s the best way to make your mind slow down? It’s actually easier than you think.

Try this for the next week. When you go to bed, put your phone on airplane mode. Right when you wake up, give yourself 1 hour. Yep, I know that’s a long time given your busy schedule, but what I mean is just focus on yourself for the first hour of the day. Here’s an example. Wake up, sit on your bed and close your eyes for 5 minutes and just breathe and relax. Feel free to think of something calm like the ocean or beach. Then, try and improve one thing physically, maybe do 1 pushup, or 2, increase it every day but make it easy! You’re not doing a full workout. Afterwards, go have quick warm shower. After you’re done focusing on you, you’re ready to tackle the day!


The $0.00 Cure.