Say goodbye to anxiety with these techniques

Anxiety can be frustrating, especially when it interferes with your daily activities. Have you ever faced such a disturbance due to anxiety? If yes, I’ve got your back. I'll share a few coping mechanisms for anxiety that have worked extremely well for both myself and others.

Before we discuss the techniques, let’s talk about why you get anxious. Medically speaking, anxiety is caused by a rise in the stress hormone cortisol. It’s released into your bloodstream when you come across any situation that sets your body in fight or flight mode. In simpler terms, any stressful situation can cause anxiety. But worry not. I will teach you a few powerful techniques in this post that will bring improvement to your mood.

Take exercise. You should exercise daily which will release multiple hormones like endorphins and serotonin. They will boost your mood and make you feel happier and stress-free. Aim for at least 20-30 minutes a day. As an alternative, you can practice yoga.


Practicing meditation and breathing exercises. Mindful meditation is a very effective technique to reduce stress and stay focused in life. When you breathe deeply, it supplies the brain tissues with more oxygen and makes you calmer. Believe it or not, daily practice of meditation also makes your brain grow!


You can walk in nature or watch a video. Yes, it does help. You can try this out the next time you feel overwhelmed with your thoughts and don’t know what to do. One of the best ways to unwind is by spending time in nature. It will help you feel a great connection with yourself and nature. A video of natural scenery might be a better alternative if that’s not possible. It will eventually make you stress-free.


Take a bath. Taking a bath not only cleanses your body but also cleanses your mind and soul. It provides a sense of relief throughout your entire being.


Cognitive diffusion. This is a very effective scientific and proven technique. It basically means looking at the thoughts rather than operating through them. Dr. Judy Ho – a triple board-certified psychologist says that the cognitive diffusion technique can actually help you get rid of your anxiety caused by such thoughts.  Let’s say you get a thought that someone dislikes you. Most likely, you will identify yourself with that thought and start acting as it suggests. These thoughts might not be accurate, so take them with a grain of salt. Observing them and letting them pass is the best thing to do. This is basically what you can also do during meditation.


Take a five min vacation. Due to our busy schedules, we often forget ourselves. When we are unable to take a long vacation, it’s better to take ourselves on an imaginary vacation for a moment. It might seem weird. But try it out. It does work. Next time when you are anxious, sit in a calming place. It may be your bed or chair. Close your eyes. Imagine you’re on a beach. Feel the waves coming in and out, try to match your breathing with the waves. Feel the sun rays hitting your skin. There’s a high chance you will be calmer and happier in just 5 minutes.


Last but not least – Act of unconditional love. We often expect love from other people, but how often do we love ourselves? Imagine loving yourself the way you love others. Practice self-love. This practice will forever change your life. It resides within. Just activate it. Self-care is a part of self-love. Get up early in the morning. Set a proper routine. Don’t let your body and mind wander into useless activities and thoughts. Prioritize yourself. For the body, do exercise. For the mind and soul, meditate. Prioritize both your body and mind with the tips listed above, and soon enough, anxiety will be a thing of the past.



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